A building product which supplements a basic solid panel building such as a door, window, skylight, ventilator, etc.
Agricultural Building
A structure designed and constructed to house farm implements, hay, grain, poultry, livestock or other horticultural products. Such structure shall not include habitable or occupiable spaces, spaces in which agricultural products are processed, treated or packaged; nor shall an agricultural building be a place of occupancy by the general public.
Aluminum Coated Steel
Steel coated with aluminum for corrosion resistance.
Anchor Bolt Plan
A plan view drawing showing the diameter, location and projection of all anchor bolts for the components of the Metal Building System and may show column reactions (magnitude and direction). The maximum base plate dimensions may also be shown.
Anchor Bolts
Bolts used to anchor members to a foundation or other support.
Approval Drawings
A set of drawings that may include framing plans, elevations and sections through the building for approval of the buyer.
Allowable Stress Design.
A group of mutually dependent and compatible components or sub assemblies of components.
A closure between the two leaves of a double swing or double slide door.
Automatic Crane
A crane which when activated operates through a pre-set cycle or cycles.
Automatic Welding
A welding procedure utilizing a machine to make a weld.
Auxiliary Crane Girder
A girder arranged parallel to the main girder for supporting the platform, motor base, operator’s cab, control panels, etc., to reduce the torsional forces that such load would otherwise impose on the main crane girder.
Auxiliary Hoist
A supplemental hoisting unit, usually designed to handle lighter loads at a higher speed than the main crane hoist.
Auxiliary Loads
Dynamic live loads such as those induced by cranes and material handling systems.
Axial Force
A force tending to elongate or shorten a member.